
Regular paragraph using font-family “Georgia, serif;”:

Cortado, whipped cream single shot latte con panna shop, beans chicory sit doppio shop. Caramelization, so sweet pumpkin spice strong redeye café au lait acerbic. Single origin crema id instant, milk rich, whipped robust froth crema cream. Aroma kopi-luwak half and half, roast dark viennese flavour trifecta.

Text representing an error:


Text representing CMD prompt:


Text representing Powershell:


Image hosted on Dropbox:

Image hosted on Google Drive:

Google keeps breaking this ability. Fuck Google. And I refuse to use a 3rd-party like gdurl.com

Image hosted on OneDrive:


# Generates passphrases similar to password generator on intranet
# inspired by:
# https://www.hanselman.com/blog/DictionaryPasswordGeneratorInPowershell.aspx

# requires CSV file in same directory as script
$rand = new-object System.Random

# read-in very large file creating smaller list of random words
$words = Get-Content "words.csv" | Sort-Object {Get-Random} -unique | select -first 100

Function Create-Password
  # query the smaller list of words for single entry (2 times)
  $word1 = $words | Sort-Object {Get-Random} -unique | select -first 1  
  $word2 = $words | Sort-Object {Get-Random} -unique | select -first 1  

  # create random digits
  $number1 = Get-Random -Minimum 1000 -Maximum 9999
  # concatenante and return new random password
  return (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($word1) + (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($word2) + $number1


# generate 20 passwords
for($i=1; $i -le 20; $i++){

Regular paragraph using font-family “Special Elite, cursive;”:

Cortado, whipped cream single shot latte con panna shop, beans chicory sit doppio shop. Caramelization, so sweet pumpkin spice strong redeye café au lait acerbic. Single origin crema id instant, milk rich, whipped robust froth crema cream. Aroma kopi-luwak half and half, roast dark viennese flavour trifecta.